
Monday, July 21, 2014

Today is Monday?

If I had a general sub-theme of this blog it would be 'busy' because besides Marlee, I am generally always talking about the business of being busy. And I am pretty sure there are a bazillion people busier than I am but hey! I do not care. 
Yes, I do. I feel bad for busy people. It is exhausting!

My beautiful Grandma brought it to my attention that I have not posted at all this month! So this post goes out to her! 
Hey Gma!

Marlee, my sweet little baby girl, will no longer be a baby. This Wednesday she turns one. So I have been busy planning her birthday party (which was Sunday and will have a separate post for itself) and emotionally preparing myself for this big day. Time flies. I know everyone says this but seriously, my baby, the baby that just a year ago I was in the hospital getting ready to give birth to, is turning one. Her party was amazing. My family and friends are amazing. It really was a great day, but we will get to that later. 

Nick and I both started new jobs within the past month. So we have been trying to adjust to new surroundings, new schedules, and new specialties. He is now in the car selling biz (check out Ohio Auto Warehouse - great cars and helpful staff!) and I am now an Emergency Room nurse for a local hospital. Big changes with hopefully even bigger possibilities for both of us - and of course the family! Unfortunately with training being on days and Nick not getting home till after six, things have been really crazy with Isaac and Marlee. I am used to being home with her all day and I have had quite a few days that I do not get to see her at all. BUT this week is the last for orientation and then we have a week for vacation. After that, things should be back to normal. Hopefully.

Vacation is next week so the mental prep has started for that. The craziness will start Thursday when I start packing. How do you pack with a nine and one year old? Ekk. 

Baby number two pregnancy is going wonderfully. I feel great but am exhausted. It could be the new job, the crazy schedule, pregnancy in general, or Marlee keeping me on my feet at all times. Regardless of the culprit, I fall asleep as early as possible. Lets just say that husband and wife time was far and few in between. We were able to watch a movie last night though which was something small, but definitely needed. 

Once I write it all down, it doesn't really seem like that much! ha! We are extremely busy though. I have a growing appreciation for stay at home moms and working moms alike - since I dabble in a little of both. I think staying with Marlee all day gives me a break from work and working all night gives me a break from Marlee! Hopefully that is not too horrible to say! Eh, truth is life. 

Ok one quick sneak peak from Marlee's Boats and Anchors Birthday Party! 

I will update soon! I won't make you wait a month for the next one!

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