
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Jump into Spring

A time for new beginnings, sunny days, growth, and flowers!
The smell is amazing, the grass is green (or getting there), and the windows are open (or at least cracked.)
And we bought a house!

I saved the best part for last. The long search for a house is over and we are jumping with joy. The child in me thought house shopping would be fun and exciting while the adult in me hated every minute of it. Smelly houses, shady owners, and disappointing days. 

Finally, our time - and our dream house - arrived. We finagled a deal with friends of friends (its all about who you know!) and it made all the long days of house shopping and the disappointment of losing two deals, 100% worth it. Good things come to those who wait. We have a long closing ahead of us but we are counting down the days until we move. 
70 days!

In the meantime, we are cleaning, de-cluttering, boxing, and planning. So much to do that we are grateful for the long closing. It gives us enough time to get stuff together and make a good solid plan for moving. It also gives us a couple extra months for saving and preparing. We need a fridge and a good mover and a carpet scrubber and the list goes on and on...

The kids are super excited. Well Isaac and Marlee are super excited. Isaac is going to love the basement and the backyard while Marlee just knows that her room is pink. Which is really the only important thing when you are two. I, on the other hand, am stoked about all the extra room. The family living area and the kitchen are ideal for entertaining. Not that we even do a lot of that but the thought of having family dinners really gets me excited. I love my family and wished we got together more often - more often than holidays only. I know life is busy but to have a place for sisters and kiddos to play on Sundays would make my life whole. 

Now back to the mom life, Nicky is wanting to play and I need to empty the dishwasher. 
Next post will be an Easter post! Shopping for outfits this week! 

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