
Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Roundup

Isaac was telling me for about twenty minutes that Marlee, who was happily watching TV in her swing, smelled like cupcakes. He swore that she smelled just like vanilla cupcakes. He wanted me to go smell her but I was right in the middle of making dinner. 

Nick had the pleasure of going to pick her up once she got a little fussy. Of course she had a bit of an explosion. Ok a huggge explosion. She had it up to her neck. And Isaac still swears that she smelled like cupcakes. 

Poo cupcakes apparently. 

So after giving Marlee a bath and washing up myself (yes it was that bad!), I finished dinner. 
(Pretty sure other food blogs do not have an opener like that. Boom.) 

Now back to dinner.
Tonight I made a Halloween dinner since we have been too busy to celebrate the holiday together. I made little mummy dogs by wrapping sausages with crescent rolls and did little jack-o-lantern pizza bagels! All Pinterest inspired of course. 

For dessert we had vanilla pudding made into candy corn and Frankenstein!
I just used food coloring for the yellow, orange, and green, cool whip for the white, and Oreos for the 'hair' on Frankenstein. Be sure to thaw the cool whip before using... should be self explanatory but of course my whip was hard as a rock. 

I also made pumpkin seeds but they were burnt and just gross so no pictures included.
I still ate half the batch.

Then on to the pumpkin carving! Isaac and Nicholas printed off a stencil and went to town.

While Marlee enjoying playing with the pumpkin guts.
Ok yea, she ate the pumpkin innards.

Then it was my turn to do Marlee's pumpkin and she 'said' that she wanted Minnie Mouse which is her favorite character from The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

I think they turned out great! Another year of my favorite holiday complete!

Tomorrow we are headed to the Massillon vs. Mckinley game and Isaac is going to see what high school football is really about! I am pretty sure there were 40 people at the last Sandy Valley game I went to. Sorry but it was nothing compared to the madness I grew up around. Marlee is going too so I am hoping the rain holds off. 

Happy Halloween!
Go Tigers!

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