
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Five Months Marlee!

Such a huge month for Marlee it has been! She is growing like a weed and learning so much everyday. She amazes me with all of the things she is picking up on. 

One thing is for sure, she is little Miss Independent. She prefers to be on her own, whether it is in her bouncer, highchair, or crib, rather than cuddled in the arms of someone. Nick wonders why I don't put her in bed right away after she falls asleep and it is because it is such a rare moment to cuddle on her! I want to cherish those moments as long as possible. 

One huge step we took this month was figuring out a formula for her to drink. My supply is dropping so fast and I was unable to make enough for her to eat when I was at work so with massive, massive amounts of research, we chose Gerber Good Start Soothe. We fed her the first time this week with the formula and she ate it up! I was ecstatic but also a little piece of me was feeling all motherly. My little babe is growing so fast! She even holds her own bottles! She only gets about one bottle of formula a day and I feed her the rest of the time but is doing so good with the transition. And hopefully this month, we will start on solids. 

Marlee is also sitting up on her own for longer and longer everyday. She is still pretty wobbly but with a little assistance, she does great! Of course now that she learned this new trick, she wants to sit up all the time. Little Miss Independent. 

Marlee is still obsessed with her dad and brother. I can almost always guarantee a smile around those two. She is noticing the dog more and more too. Brusco does not want anything to do with her just yet. He usually gets a quick lick in and is on his way. 

Marlee is pretty much in love with my phone already. Anytime I have it out, she wants it. She loves to look at it as well as try to eat it. I am doomed. 

No teeth just yet but she gnaws on everything! If she does not have a chew toy near by, she will chew on her own fingers. Coco the Monkey is her favorite thing to chew on so far but with the squeaking, Brusco is never far off - ready to grab it up for his own fun. That is going to be a sad day - Coco does not stand a chance against Brusco. 

Besides being a total pistol at bedtime, she continues to sleep through the night and wakes up super happy! It is such a blessing to see a smiling face first thing, everyday. 

We are all getting ready for Christmas morning tomorrow and I cannot wait to have the family over for some coffee, food, and of course presents! The we are headed to Ben and Emily's house for dinner. I cannot remember the last time I was this excited for Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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