
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Better Late Than Never Vacation Post

Marlee has put herself down for a nap for the third day in a row and I am still astonished but I am taking this little bit of free time to put up some vacation pictures! 

Let me say that vacation was great. No work. Great weather. Amazing food! And lots of time to spend with the family. With that being said, vacation with children is hard. Marlee thrives on routine and vacation does not always allow for this routine to be followed. Big brother of course wanted to be at the beach all day and swim at the pool all night - which is what vacation is all about - but Marlee was not having it. And being large and sweaty most of the time, I was not exactly down for hours at the beach either. I really just wanted to nap and eat - ha! We figured it all out but it separated Nick and I for a lot of the vacation. Lots of memories and pictures from the trip though made it 100% worth it. 

I just needed a vacation after vacation. 

Most of the days started around 5AM when Marlee woke up and realized that she was in the same room as us, which obviously meant it was play time. So we started with the beach before it was hell hot. Marlee was not so sure about all the dirty sand and water that attacked her from every angle but she did warm up to it and loved running into the ocean. 

We ate out for dinner every night and tried to eat as much seafood as possible! Marlee discovered her love for ketchup and it was literally the only thing she would eat for dinner while on vacation. Nick and I would have to dip a fry in ketchup a million times over during dinner. The dinner locations down in Florida though lead to some great photo opportunities. And it allowed Marlee to run around a little while waiting for food. 

We always spent a little time at the pool before, after, or in between trips. Marlee loved the water a little too much. She is so independent though that she wanted to 'swim' on her own. She did not want to be in her tube and did not want to be held. She just wanted to jump in - and obviously sink to the bottom of we would let her. So she spent a lot of time walking around the sides waiting for her chance to jump. It was a bit exhausting to say the least but she loved it which makes it all worth while. 

A couple of the nights we went to the pier and had ice cream. Marlee loved being able to have some freedom and run around. 

Little did I know that Marlee was being eaten alive by sand fleas in those last pictures which lead to lots of benadryl and cream for the trip home.

Poor babe.

As you can see, we had a great trip and it was definitely well deserved! I wish it was that beautiful everyday. Two more years and we will be on our way back - a vacation every two years is plenty! And by then, we will have an 11 year old, a 3 year old, and an 18 month old. We will have our hands full!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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