
Monday, February 16, 2015

Welcome to the World Nicholas James Jr.

I would like to officially introduce Nicholas James Jr. to the blogging world!

He was born January 21st at 5:40pm, weighing in at 9lbs and 20 inches long. Besides being much larger than anticipated, he was born happy and healthy after a twelve hour induced labor and about 20 minutes of pushing. I know it is not something said very often, but I had an incredibly easy labor. I was so comfortable after my epidural that I rested till it was time to push and once it was time to push - I did just that. I was literally told to stop pushing because it all happened so fast. After having to push for four hours with Marlee, I learned my lesson and was determined not to let that happen again. 

The next day we were sent home and the rest is history! I forgot how exhausting newborns were which is why I thank God for coffee every Sunday at church. I also thank Him for giving me two beautiful, healthy children. I wake up feeling so blessed everyday. 

Ok now for a little picture overload. Let the cuteness commence. 

My husband Nick was amazing as always. The best birth partner I could ask for. 

Headed home!

Marlee was not 100% sure what was going on - or if she was going to like this new baby. She kept her distance that first day. 

Big brother was all ready to hold him though! 

My three kiddos - so much love. 

Big yawns!

And lots of funny faces. 

My two angels asleep at great-grandmas house on baby day. 

Marlee was starting to warm up to baby Nick within a couple days. 

 And is now 'her baby'.

I questioned myself numerous times during pregnancy whether I was going to be able to not only handle having three kids but if I was going to have enough love to share with all of them. It is very clear now that although the days and nights are long, my heart has never been so full of love and happiness. I not only feel capable, I have never felt so strong. I love being able to share myself with my three little ones. 
So lucky to be a mom. 

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