
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Marlee Turns Three

Every Girl Deserves Birthday Flowers
Happy Birthday Marlee Jo!

Three years ago, I was holding my greatest accomplishment, my sweetest gift, and the biggest challenge of my life, all swaddled in a blanket on my chest. Today, she wakes up and while she does not want to be cuddled on my chest, she continues to be the sweetest gift that God has given me. 
I say this as she demands chocolate milk without a bother to say hello. 

How do I sum up three year old Marlee into one blog post? Marlee is my strong willed child. A "three-nager" if you will. She knows exactly what she wants and exactly when she wants it. She can be shy at times but once she is warmed up, she is non-stop action and giggles. Marlee is a good mix of girlie girl and superhero. I am not sure where she gets it from but she loves anything pink, adores playing with make-up (especially Grandmas), and is convinced that she is a princess. I can blame her father for the last one. On the other side, Marlee loves to wrestle, run "super fast", and play baseball. I could watch her and Nicky run around in the backyard all day. Until one of them starts screaming of course...

Marlee is also quite the entertainer. She loves to sing and dance. She often makes up songs depending on what is going on around her. Her new song "I Am Sorry So Don't Cry Nicky" is sure to be a big hit. She also loves to color, draw, build blocks, and play her "Ohdoe" - which is just a Kindle that she has mysteriously named Ohdoe. Marlee is incredibly smart (I know all moms say that) and has a huge vocabulary with the cutest hint of a lisp. I love to ask her questions about her day because she remembers everything and in such great detail. 

I did a little interview of Miss Marlee of some of her favorite things:

What is your favorite color? PINK!
What is your favorite toy? My bear
What is your favorite food? Applesauce
What is your least favorite food? Seeds in the apple ("I don't like those.")
What is your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Peanut butter sandwich
What is your favorite snack? Fruit snacks
What is your favorite animal? Bear
What is your favorite song? "You Are My Sunshine"
What is your favorite book? Baby animal book (I have no idea what book that is)
Who is your best friend? "You! And Isaac and Nicky and Daddy!"
What is your favorite cereal? "The ones with the marshmallows in there"
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play!
What is your favorite drink? Juice
What is your favorite store? Target! (That's my girl)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "A big girl!"

Hopefully I can remember to 'interview' her every year because she was so cute answering all the questions with such concentration. 

We are getting the house ready for Marlee's party tomorrow and are so excited to have everyone over to celebrate my baby girls third birthday. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I will have a three year old! Where does the the time go? 

Happy Birthday Marlee! You truly are my sunshine! Your smile brightens my day and watching you grow has made me so proud to be your mom. I hope today and everyday is amazing because you deserve the world. 
We love you to the moon and back!

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