
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Moving Day!

We waited three and a half months to move into our new house.
The day came and went like all exciting days do. I feel like I blinked and here we are, one week later, all moved in and calling it our home. 
It was so worth the wait. 

It is hard to even try to explain the amount of happiness I have since moving. Like this house and neighborhood was made for us. I feel productive and motivated and carefree. We have so much room and storage. It's amazing. The kids just run around all day long, laughing, playing, and wrestling. We walk multiple times a week and I even joined a walking group. Me! Anti-social, introverted me! Everything is more convenient. Parks, grocery stores, quick trips to the gas station, work. Everything is around us. It feels like home, even after one week. 

We have done so many little projects so far around the house but there is so much more to come. Removing wallpaper and painting is next. No I lied. Weeding the yard is next. We have to get the house ready for Marlee's birthday party at the end of the month. My baby girl is going to be three! While the painting is not extensive, the kitchen involves a lot of trimming. Not something that can be done while two mischievous toddlers run around. I can see the paint footstep all over the hardwood floors now...

There are so many things to love about the house; all the kids have their own bedrooms, three car garage, beautiful patio with a huge backyard, a basement for the kids to play. I have to admit that my favorite feature is the office. I can close the door and do bills, make phone calls, fill in my bullet journal, and drink a cup of coffee in peace. It is wonderful. I love this house. 

The kids are doing great with the adjustment too. Nicky struggled sleeping in his new bed for the first couple days but Issac, Marlee, and Nicky are all troopers. They have been sleeping like angels and while Marlee regressed a little with potty training, she is back on track. Her first poop on the potty in the new house is in the books! She was just excited to get a chocolate chip cookie. "Mom! They are so good and crunchy!" Thanks Mar. My favorite little cookie lover. 

Well it is now movie night with Isaac and Nick. Better run before he starts banning me from the office. 
Have I mentioned how much I love this house?

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