
Monday, July 20, 2015

Party Sunday

Sunday we celebrated Nicholas getting Baptized and Marlee turning two! 
Even though she doesn't technically turn two until Thursday. 

We were blessed to have family and friends around us as Nick was blessed by Father Joe at church. It was a beautiful day and he looked so handsome in his baptism outfit. He did so good with the water and oil. Not a peep from him! He was restless as always but that is to be expected from my little squirmy boy. Marlee on the other hand was over church before it even began. She hung in there though with the help of family keeping her distracted. 

Distracting Marlee
Godparents, Father Joe, and Us

After mass, we took the party back to our house and celebrated with cake and cookies. 
And coffee. Lots of coffee.

Marlee stole the show from here on out. We ate cake, opened gifts, and then played the night away. 

Oh and boy did we play.
We managed to open every single toy, one by one. And test them all out in one night. It was amazing. Marlee loved it and so did I. She was just tickled with joy. It was like Christmas in July.

We had a tea party.

And we played with her new easel which is actually a giant MagnaDoodle so no messes!
Genius invention.

We played with stickers. Lots of stickers. 

Then we moved on to dress up. She was flying like a fairy here.

And drinking some cold drinks.

Then doing some cooking.

While adding to our costumes. She is a doctor chef princess here. 

Then we did some more tea party fun. Nick got in on the fun. Nice princess headband hubby.

Pause for a little snack!
It tasted like plastic. 

Time for a break so we could feed the baby and be sassy. 

Then we moved on to the blocks. She loves to stack stuff and knock it down of course. 

Nicky was thrilled with all the toys too! Yay! More stuff to chew and drool on.

Today we woke up and started all over again. We started with painting on the Sophia easel, dressed as a princess. 

She decided Nicky needed an outfit too. He wanted to be a fairy.
Marlee thought this was hilarious. 
I thought he looked pretty darn cute. 

So far my house is a disaster and the kids are both down for a nap by noon. It was such a wonderful Sunday that I hate for it all to end. Luckily we have a ton to play with to keep us entertained for a long time!

Congrats Nicky on your big day. You are truly a blessing and we are blessed to be able to share you with God and family. 
Marlee Jo, I hope you had a great birthday. Your smile brightens my day and I have to say that you make me smile everyday. There is nothing greater in the world. 

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